
Why I Write

Lego Typewriter Green

How I Write

What I Write

Sutton's Home
Sutton's Home books cover with grassy hill topped with a white farmhouse. The sky is blue with light clouds
The Penny Ride
The Penny Ride books cover with old country road lined with autumn trees

Other Works in Progress

100 Stakes in the Ground

The sole survivor of the last remaining clan, Edmond keeps his inn on the hill overlooking the woods. A sturdy gate keeps guests away from the array of stakes, each carved with the name of the vampire buried beneath. It is his quest to identify the person worthy of sending his sole to join the others and adding the final stake to the ground.

When Hope Dies

A houseguest turns Lucy’s world upside down when what should have been a generous act of kindness turns into a whirlwind of abuse. Tormented as a prisoner in her own home, this psychological thriller follows Lucy’s journey to reclaim her property and her sanity.

The Yearbook Quote

Steven loved her the moment she walked into his homeroom in sixth grade. Ella was beautiful, funny, and smart. And he would do anything for her. Even if she never acknowledged his existence. That is until she waltzed into his prison to discuss the murder of her high school boyfriend. A crime Steven happily pled guilty to.

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