AC Petersen Burger – Strange Food

A picky eater with a ton of allergies reviews an AC Petersen Burger.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

ACP Burger
AC Petersen Burger

A.C. Petersen Burger

Odd Dimensions

I ordered the ACP Burger cooked medium well with no toppings. I chose the brioche bun because you can’t go wrong with brioche. When the meal arrived, I was happy that the burger was small because I don’t really like burgers, but it was super small. The bun greatly outweighed the burger. I guess you could say the burger to bun ratio was way off. Luckily, I like bread and greatly enjoyed the bun. Like Tara, I got the crinkle fries, but to me they were quite bland. Don’t get me wrong, I am still not a fan of flavor, but these fries had zero salt and ketchup dipping was required. I once learned to mix salt into your ketchup so every fry has the perfect amount of each, but that trick didn’t seem to help. I was happy when Tara suggested we order dessert. A mini sundae of chocolate chip ice cream, non-hot hot fudge, whipped cream, and a cherry. The perfect way to end a not so perfect meal.

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