One person, so many allergies!
Allergies are a pretty serious issue. For some it’s as simple as a sneeze or a rash, for others it’s anaphylactic shock. For me, well, my list is long and the effects are varied. For safety, I should carry an EpiPen, but they tend to be expensive and expire after a year, so I usually have a packet of antihistamines in my purse just in case.
It also doesn’t help that I am a picky eater. I don’t like foods with too much flavor because I often react to spices and seasonings. Moreover, I think I am afraid to try new things. While this may seem silly to most, I honestly believe that because I never know how I will react to something new, I make the decision not to try out of fear of how I will react. The last thing anyone wants is for me to go into anaphylactic shock at the neighborhood block party.
Scroll down to see my list and reactions. My list of non-food allergies goes on and on, but I won’t bore you with that here.
*Anaphylactic shock is extremely serious! If you have any extreme allergic reactions, please carry an EpiPen – you are important to this world and we don’t want to lose you!
Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Intolerances
Shellfish (Anaphylaxis)
Tree Nuts (Anaphylaxis)
Berries (Sensitive, Rash, Hives)
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Other Spices (Sensitive, Numbing of Tongue and Throat)
Eggs (Sensitive, GI Issues)
Mushrooms (Sensitive, GI Issues )
Tomatoes (Sensitive, GI Issues)
Dairy (Intolerant, GI Issues)