Artisanal Burger Company Burger – Some Things Never Change

A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews the Artisanal Burger Company Burger

Rating: 4 out of 5.

5 Oz Hamburger
Artisanal Burger Company Burger

The Artisanal Burger Company Burger

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Since I don’t actually like burgers, this little five ouncer was perfect for me. Concealed in a very soft bun, the patty was well cooked, but tender. There was no fear of cow blood oozing out (aka juice). Now, I should mention that my family routinely tells me that the juice is not actually cow blood. I suppose I understand that, but I don’t like the way it tastes in my mouth or feels on my hands when it drips out of the burger. I just find it very unsettling. Anyway, back the review! The french fries were overdone, but I was able to push the ones with burnt ends to the side and still eat my fill. It was lucky that I didn’t eat all those fries because they helped save Ebony’s mouth. This burger was near perfect for me, but what made my dinner most special was spending time and catching up with an old friend and making a new one.

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