A picky eater with lots of allergies along with her mom and daughter give a Rein’s Deli review
Lynn’s Dish

Baked Macaroni and Cheese
A Peck of Pickles
Rein’s Deli is noted for its pickles. I don’t know why, but everyone loves them. Even babies. I’m not kidding. Before their recent renovation, there was a wall of Polaroid pictures proudly displaying toddlers and their sour puss faces as they bit into their first Rein’s pickle. You can even order a barrel to take home with you. This is not something I would ever do, of course, but Lynn can’t get enough of them. Before our drink order was even taken, a bowl containing four juicy pickles was placed on the table. While Barbara and I ordered, Lynn grabbed a gherkin and started munching. “Oh my gosh, I’ve missed these so much,” she exclaimed as she grabbed a second. Juicy and crunchy with a light hint of vinegar, Lynn ate all four then asked the waitress for more. Barbara asked her if they’re sour of half sour. I shrugged unaware that there’s a difference and not really understanding the question, but Lynn grabbed another pickle and declared, “Don’t know, don’t care. They’re just so good.” Luckily her baked macaroni and cheese showed up before she swelled up and resembled a pickle herself.

Stinky Cheese, Man
Lynn always orders the Baked Macaroni and Cheese at Rein’s Deli. It comes with a side of stewed tomatoes, but she swapped that out for fries. I thought that was a really smart decision, but maybe that’s because I can’t eat tomatoes and I know the fries are amazing. The dish arrived steaming hot and Lynn dug right in. After her first bite, she noted the smart thing to do would be to let it cool down and firm up, but the crusty topping beckoned to her and she went in for bite number two burning her entire mouth and not caring one bit. Between mouthfuls, she described her lunch as creamy, cheesy, and hot. I suggested she stop for a minute or two to let her noodles and her mouth cool down, but she shook her head, glared at me and said, “No, mom. I just wanna eat it!” Well, she is an adult and can make adult decisions, and according to her this decision was perfect.
Barbara’s Dish

Chicken Salad Sandwich
Chicken Little
Barbara is a tiny person and she enjoys tiny meals. Luckily at Rein’s you can order half a sandwich and that is just what she did. Half a sandwich at Rein’s is ginormous, just as you would expect half a sandwich in NYC to be. Barbara ate the whole thing. Honestly, I think she just orders the half sandwich to trick herself into thinking she is only consuming a small amount of food. That is far from the reality of what this sandwich is. Between two slices of fresh rye bread were about four inches of chicken breast, tomatoes, and lettuce. According to my mom, in true celebrity fashion, everything was great. The service was great. The waitstaff was great. The wait time was great. The sandwich was great. And the coleslaw was great. All of it – great. And, just enough for her small appetite.
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