A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews the Bob’s Clam Hut burger
The Hamburger
Cheap Eats
I began my experience feeling thankful the counter server swapped my Hamburger order for the Kid’s Burger minus the cheese plus fries. Since I can’t enjoy any of the toppings anyway, I smiled in delight at saving a couple dollars. I wasn’t expecting much in a burger from a seafood place and I’m happy I kept my expectations low. I’m also happy I munched on some Special K earlier in the day.
Bag of Bricks
Dan returned to the table with a tray of food. He handed me my plate and I tetatively picked up my hamburger. The bun was soft and fluffy and the burger was hot. But the burger was also dense and I knew it was going to sit like a brick in my stomach for the rest of the day. I added an overdose of ketchup to add some moisture back into the burger, but it didn’t seem to work. Dan suggested I order my burger medium next time, but I balked and reminded him of my motto – If there’s any red, it ain’t dead – and then I took a few more nibbles before putting it down and picking up a fry. The fries were great! Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and not salty. Dan tried one and grabbed the salt shaker, but I quickly shielded my potatoes from a potential assault. If we were to visit Bob’s Clam Hut again, I would still get the burger even though Grilled Cheese and Hot Dogs are menu options. Why? Well, being lactose intolerance I would need to know what kind of cheese, how much cheese, how much more shopping we intended to do, and is our hotel close by in the event of a GI issue. The hot dog, well…hot dogs are tricky because you never know what’s in them. At home, I can only eat one brand of all beef dogs without issue. But either way, with me, there’s always an issue.
Check back soon to read more hamburger adventures!