A picky eater wth lots of allergies give a Bob’s Clam Hut review
Dan’s Dish
Whole Belly Clams & Scallops

Nod to the Chef
Dan arrived several minutes after I secured us a table with a tray heaped with food. He distributed the bent cardboard baskets and sat with me eager to dig in. He quickly lifted his hand so I could snap of picture of his alien looking fried fishy things and then he had at it. I was eager to get his opinion written down so I could begin eating my lunch, but he just kept nodding and cramming more clams into his mouth before I could get any information. So I put my pen down and took a bite of my burger. Finally, he was willing to talk. And the first thing he said was, “I have no words.”
Searching for Words
For someone trying to write a blog, words are necessary, so I prodded with questions like “How’s the taste? How’s the texture?” Again he just nodded and scooped up some cole slaw while I rolled my eyes. Dan is usually much better at this. He usually gives me at least a sentence or two that I can work with. I took another bite of my burger and glared at him. When all that was left in his basket was the dinner roll, he stared dreamily out the window behind me at the busy Route 1 traffic.
Where’s the Beach?
He then began proclaiming this to be the best seafood he has had in a very long time. The clams were crispy and briny, bringing that whole belly clam punch. The scallops were surprisingly sea scallops as opposed to bay scallops and very juicy. I was going to interject to ask what the difference is between sea and bay scallops because isn’t water water, but I caught myself and let Dan continue. He even praised the coleslaw as fantastic, perhaps even homemade and was then thankful that he ordered the small basket. I was shocked. That small basket was huge! Then Dan shifted his gaze to me and sighed, “The only thing missing is the ocean.”
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