Why I Write

Everybody has a reason. For me, it’s cathartic. I create fictional books based on events I have witnessed or experienced. In one way, it helps me heal from those events. In another, it helps heal others. I have tons of stories ideas in several genres. From a cozy mystery series to a vampire desperately trying to end his reign, and of course, to the thing I hate most, burgers!
How I Write
Writers are known to be either Plotters or Pantsers. Most of the time I am a Pantser. This means I sit at my keyboard without any plan at all and type away. The hope is all the words make some sort of sense in the end. Once a year, I am a Plotter. I enjoy participating in a writers’ event called NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month). The goal is write the first 50,000 words of a new novel in thirty days. In order to succeed, I require a very rough outline which I create during late summer. I have participated twice so far producing Sutton’s Home and The Penny Ride.
What I Write
Sutton's Home

Sutton’s Home follows the life of Sutton who endures endless tragedies throughout her life. An abusive father, kidnapped children, and a suffering husband are only the beginning. Reflecting on her life, she can’t help but thing it’s the choices she makes that result in her despair. And perhaps the only thing that can correct the wrongs she’s made is to remove herself from creating more.
This novel is currently in the querying agent stage.
The Penny Ride

Rosalind, wealthy and widowed at age twenty-four, trusts no one. Cynical and miserable, she doesn’t believe in luck and focuses on her loss. Until she picks up a random penny in a parking lot. The year is the same as her husband’s death. A colleague explains The Penny Ride, a way of seeing the country with a toss of a coin, and convinces Rosalind to give a try. With nothing else to do, Rosalind hops in her car and flips the penny – heads she turns right, tails she turns left. Throughout her journey, she discovers a bed and breakfast chain and Frank. Helping her acknowledge her emotions, Frank helps Rosalind beieve in love again.
This novel is currently in the revise and editing stage.
Other Works in Progress
100 Stakes in the Ground
The sole survivor of the last remaining clan, Edmond keeps his inn on the hill overlooking the woods. A sturdy gate keeps guests away from the array of stakes, each carved with the name of the vampire buried beneath. It is his quest to identify the person worthy of sending his sole to join the others and adding the final stake to the ground.
When Hope Dies
A houseguest turns Lucy’s world upside down when what should have been a generous act of kindness turns into a whirlwind of abuse. Tormented as a prisoner in her own home, this psychological thriller follows Lucy’s journey to reclaim her property and her sanity.
The Yearbook Quote
Steven loved her the moment she walked into his homeroom in sixth grade. Ella was beautiful, funny, and smart. And he would do anything for her. Even if she never acknowledged his existence. That is until she waltzed into his prison to discuss the murder of her high school boyfriend. A crime Steven happily pled guilty to.
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