A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend review Casey’s Cafe.

Tuna Melt
Young Ebenezer
Sarah’s new book Humbug: Scrooge Before the Ghosts tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge before that fateful Christmas eve. Throughout this new tale, we follow Scrooge’s tumultuous childhood and the unusual relationships he forges throughout his adulthood. Perhaps the most unusual relationship was the one he forged with Jacob Marley.
A Perfect Story
Unlike Scrooge, who was miserly and miserable, Sarah’s sandwich was delightful. Her classic tuna melt was very tasty, although there was nothing special about the tuna. The buttered rye bread brought the experience up a notch. The tomato and lettuce made it perfect. Sarah had also ordered sweet potato fries which were delicious. They were the perfect consistency and the perfect combination of sweet and salty. Overall, while Scrooge may have turned his nose up, Dickens would have certainly approved and not just of the tuna melt, but also of Humbug: Scrooge Before the Ghosts.

If you’d like to learn more about Sarah Whelan and her newly released book Humbug: Scrooge Before the Ghosts, be sure to click here. Sarah’s book is currently available online in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook through Mascot Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Millon. Paperback will be available early December 2023.
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