A picky eater with lots of allergies and her family visit Farley Mac’s.

Friday 12:30pm
It’s not often you make a friend that you truly admire. I know we all have great friends, best friends, forever friends, but my friend, Gene, is the woman I wish I could be. Fun and fit, smart and sassy, she always has a word or two to make you feel like the most important person in the world. She loves to teach others about staying healthy and is always willing to lend a helping hand to help you reach your goals. I met Gene in a MOMs Club when our daughters were toddlers. Through the years we’ve played Bunco and led Girl Scouts together. I had a few co-leaders, but Gene was the most fearless. Someday, I’ll share the story of when she staved off a possible coyote from our campsite and stopped me from becoming hysterical by a terrifying noise that turned out to be a hooting owl. Camping is not my thing, and I’m not sure it’s hers either, but she definitely does not hold the same fear of the wilderness that I do.
Gene is a fitness buff. She loves exercise and eating healthy. And she loves helping others do the same. She was recently a personal trainer at a local gym. It was probably fifteen years ago that I was fortunate enough to once have her show me some exercises to alleviate pain in my knees. I have a condition called chondromalacia and no other trainer would listen to me when I insisted I was unable to do squats. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s that I physically can’t because my knees are dislocated. Gene was the only one who heard me and showed me alternate exercises. I continue to do several of those exercises on my own today. Gene recently left the gym to design her own Health and Wellness Coaching program. With a focus on women and post-menopausal health, Gene strives to encourage her clients to enjoy nature and all the food, fun, and fitness it provides. Please check out her website Healthy Habits Nutrition…she plans to offers online classes soon! You can also follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
I was a bit surprised when Gene offered to be my Burger Buddy. I was also a little worried. Gene’s a healthy eater and how was I going to write an interesting review of a salad? But Gene surprised me by suggesting Farley Mac’s, a traditional Irish pub in Simsbury, Connecticut. Farley Mac’s is cozy and clean with moss colored walls and rustic beams running across the ceiling. The bar is just a couple steps down from the main dining room and features live music on the weekends. We settled into a small table near the window and finally stopped chatting long enough to look over the menu. Farley Mac’s offers fresh high quality ingredients with several salads and sandwiches to choose from. I knew I would be consuming a burger (or at least trying to), but I didn’t expect Gene to order one too! I don’t often get to do a burger-to-burger comparison, so I was very excited.
Click the meal to read all about it
Gene – Farley Burger
Lis – Farley Burger
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