A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Fork and Fire
The Burger

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Fork & Fire sources their ingredients locally and creates everything from scratch. I ordered The Burger without the toppings and was surprised by the size. In fact, I was thankful I didn’t have any toppings because I could barely fit my mouth around the super thick burger and massive bun. I took little nibbles and found the burger to be overdone. To be fair, I did order it medium well, but this was well beyond medium. I also wonder what type of grass the local cows eat. I ask because I felt like I was flossing with every bite. The side of shoestring fries had a nice crisp breading, but were a little too salty for my liking. Despite the extra salt and my lunch feeling a little like going to the dentist, I definitely appreciated the ambiance and the company.
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