A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain hamburger at Frankie B’s Tavern.

August 25, 2023
Frankie B’s Tavern
Wednesday, 5:00pm
Every good story begins with a couple of good characters. The main character of The Picky Eater blog is me – Lis Blanchard. Friendly, kind, lover of cookies, hater of hamburgers. My sidekick for this hamburger adventure was Becky. Equally, if not more, friendly and kind. She is a lover of chips and I can’t imagine she hates anything (food or otherwise). Becky and I met about two years ago at a meeting of writers looking for others to provide honest feedback on their work. A group of eight of us have been meeting monthly since. I prefer to write lengthy novels and Becky prefers short stories, fan fiction, and the occasional poem. I am still learning the craft of writing and Becky’s brilliance has taught me much over the past couple years. She may just be the hero of this story.
Picture this…two ladies descend upon an unassuming restaurant. One is looking for a nice evening out, the other is looking for a story. Becky arrives first, but I text her from my car believing I’ve arrived first. I walk into the restaurant feeling confident and smug that I will be able to scope out the place before Becky arrives, but just as I approach the hostess stand, Becky taps me on the shoulder. We were shown to our table on the quiet side of the tavern where we hugged each other warmly before sitting down. We reminisced about places that were familiar to both of us: the ninety-nine cent movie theater, the record shop, the card shop that sold stickers, the best clothing store for 80’s fashion, and the popular Italian restaurant where had both enjoyed countless meals and the occasional gathering in their back room. All of these places are long gone, but it was nice walking down memory lane. And, that walk gave me my story.
Becky selected Frankie B’s Tavern. Fairly new, having opened in July, Frankie B’s replaced the well known Italian restaurant that was a favorite to many including me and Becky. They are situated on a side street next to a busy hotel and across from a major plaza. There is a highway exit one tenth of a mile away. The perfect location for locals and travelers alike. Frankie B’s Tavern is more of a sports bar than a tavern. A large room with high top metal tables crowded together, muted TVs tuned to the sports events of the day decorate the walls, music blares from hidden speakers, and a full bar regally stands in the back. I am not a fan of sports, or crowds for that matter, so I was pleasantly surprised when the hostess sat us in a different room. A much smaller room with maybe six tables crowded together like a pack of sardines and one TV which was off. This room allowed for quiet conversation and a much more enjoyable experience in my opinion.
Click the meal to read all about it
Becky – Fish Tacos with Slaw
Lis – Village Burger
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