A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews the Roux Burger.

A Simple Request
Roux does not offer a hamburger on their menu. Well, that’s not really true. They offer several hamburgers and sandwiches, but the closest I could get to plain was their Cheeseburger. Of course, I ordered it without cheese and also without mayo, lettuce, and tomato. Medium well. I also asked for unseasoned fries because I had no idea how hot seasoned fries would taste given Roux is a Cajun restaurant. My burger arrived full of cheese several minutes after Angela’s Shrimp Po’Boy. I sent it back explaining my allergy situation which then became a full interrogation. I completely understand that the chef wants to keep me safe, but it’s super embarrassing for me to start reciting my long list of allergies and if they can simply fulfill my order as requested the first time this would never be an issue.
Too Much Flavor
The waiter was super nice as I explained my situation and eventually returned with a tiny burger on a big brioche bun sitting atop a heap of fries. Since I don’t really like hamburgers, the small size didn’t bother me. It was tender and cooked to perfection. But it was HOT! Not spicy hot, thank goodness, but searing hot. Luckily, it was cooked well done, so there was none of that meat juice to scald the roof of my mouth. The fries were pretty good too, at first. Lightly salted, which I like, but with each chew the heat grew. This wasn’t the oven heat of my burger. These fries were seasoned and each bite left a trail of fire as it traveled to my stomach. Angela tried one and tried to convince me the seasoning was simple black pepper, and maybe it was, but when you are overly sensitive to practically everything, a little heat is always too much heat. I should probably consider sharing my allergies with future chefs and maybe I’d have a better restaurant experience.
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