A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend visit Pastrami on Wry.

Wednesday, 12:00PM
Enough is Enough
The first two weeks of March were rough. Lots of bad things in a span of thirty days. I was emotionally and mentally drained, but my good friend Brenda came to the rescue with an invite to lunch and an ask to be my Burger Buddy. I was thrilled to get out of the house and enjoy a lunch date. I’ve known Brenda, my second mom friend, since our son’s were just months old. During our years together, we’ve cried not only when our boys failed swimming lessons (an excruciating number of times!), but also when they graduated college and moved on to successful careers. Our boys remain close friends and so do Brenda and I.
Bigger is Better
I’ve always wanted to eat at Pastrami on Wry. Not because of the meat, but because of the play on words. I’m a linguist and that kind of stuff just cracks me up. Over the years this restaurant has changed locations and owners. At its present location, in a small run down plaza on a busy road, I was a little weary about this Burger Adventure. We entered the small storefront and walked into what I can only describe as a restaurant version of Dr. Who’s TARDIS. This place was way bigger on the inside. A huge bar with counter service to the left and booths large enough for an army on the right. This corridor of seating was certainly larger than a football field. I was shocked. A black silhouette of the town of Manchester popped against the clean white walls. We were seated immediately and perused the large menu. I already knew I’d be ordering a hamburger, and Brenda was excited to try the grilled cheese.
Click the meal to read all about it
Brenda – PoW Grilled Cheese
Lis – Traditional Burger
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