A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend give a review of Pastrami on Wry.

PoW Grilled Cheese
Brenda and I are very similar in the way of food issues. Like me, she tends to keep her restaurant orders simple. At Pastrami on Wry she ordered the PoW Grilled Cheese with American cheese on lightly buttered sourdough bread. The sandwich was very thin, but Brenda likes a thin sandwich. She had asked for the bread to be lightly buttered and it was just that – not too greasy, but plenty of flavor. And the bread was not too rough which Brenda found surprising because sourdough tends to cut her mouth even though she loves it. She was also surprised that the tomato hidden inside the sandwich was quite hot. Brenda’s grilled cheese was perfect inside and out. Even the side of macaroni salad, after adding a sprinkle of salt and pepper, tasted very fresh, very tender, and very good. The only negative, if you even want to call it a negative, to Brenda’s lunch was the pickle. It was a bit too salty, but even though Brenda didn’t like the salt, she couldn’t stop eating it. With each crunchy bite, she emitted an audible “Mmm!”. She was seriously impressed with the service and the meal and noted with nods that she would definitely be returning soon.
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