A picky eater with lots of allergies gives a review of The Spoon Burger
Classic Hamburger

In the Outfield
I ordered the Classic Burger – no cheese, no garnish, well done. I’ve noted before that I don’t really care for burgers, but because of my endless list of allergies, it’s usually the safest item on the menu for me. And this is a burger blog so I’m kind of stuck. The burger at The Spoon was a decent size served with a pile of shoestring french fries. What was odd to me, was the burger had a grassy taste. I’m not sure why or even how to better describe it, but every bite reminded me of the time I played softball in third grade. I know, it’s inconceivable that I would be caught playing any kind of sport, but I was put in the outfield…way out field…and spent most of my time looking for four leaf clovers and chewing on a blade of grass. That’s what this burger tasted like. A little earthy, a little flowery, a little outdoorsy…. It wasn’t bad, just unexpected. Sort of like me eating burgers in the first place.
Sprint to the Finish
Every day for me includes an impossible list of tasks for me to complete around the house and around town. Somehow, I am able to cross of ninety-nine percent of those tasks daily. My Monday visit with Kyla was no different. We enjoyed an extended lunch, I drove lazy backroads home, and then ran around the house dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathrooms. I even managed to squeeze in an hour of writing before my husband came home so we could decide together what to have for dinner. I’ll never be an athlete, but if there is ever an award for Time Management or To-Do List Completion, I’d definitely win the gold!
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