A picky eater with lots of allergies gives a review of the Reid’s Corner Burger.

Not Acrylics – Reid’s Corner Burger Review
My hamburger arrived steaming hot on a soft buttery brioche bun. I took a bite and searing oil streamed onto my hand and down my arm. I quickly returned the burger to the plate, dipped my napkin into my water glass and used it to mop up the juice. And then, I noticed the color of my burger. Ugh! Bright red. If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you know I like my meat medium well. In other words, I like my cow dead and gray. I also prefer my burgers plain. In other words, no cheese, no tomato, no lettuce, no onion, no nothing. A touch of ketchup and that’s it. Unfortunately for me, this was a very colorful patty and the oils were running. I was hungry, so I ate it anyway, but needed to enjoy a perfectly cooked french fry between bites. I’m sure the burger would have been tasty for most, but for me it didn’t paint a pretty picture.
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