Reid’s Corner Review – All the Pretty Colors

A picky eater’s friend gives a Reid’s Corner Review.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Michelle’s Dish
Reid’s Corner Review

REid's Corner Rivew of Super Veg Omelet

Super Veg Omelet

Picture Perfect

True to diner expectations, Reid’s Diner serves breakfast and lunch until they close at two o’clock. Michelle took advantage of this and ordered the Super Veg Omelet for lunch. The three egg omelet came stuffed with vegetables – broccoli, spinach, bell pepper, onion, and tomato. The brightly cooked vegetables dotted the eggy shell. There were several cheeses to choose from, but MIchelle chose good old American cheese to support all those veggies and declared the omelet was delicious. The eggs were cooked just right and held all the stuff inside together nicely. It wasn’t highly seasoned which might have been perfect for some, but Michelle added a dash of salt to suit her taste. In addition to the colossal omelet, Michelle had been offered a choice of potatoes and a side of toast. Michelle chose the Breakfast Potatoes which came seasoned with peppers and onions. Lastly, she topped the meal off with white toast smeared with strawberry jam. Obviously, as the dish suggests, this breakfast for lunch was beautifully super.

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