Rein’s Deli Burger – Just Right

A picky eater with lots of allergies review the Rein’s Deli Burger

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Beefburger

Rein's Deli Beef Burger on a Hard Roll


As I stated before, I always order Grilled Cheese at Rein’s Deli. Always. But since this is a blog about burgers, I sighed a miserable sigh and ordered the Beefburger and a side of fries. I always order fries with my grilled cheese, so I decided I could be happy with this meal if I ordered a familiar comfort food to go along with it. The burger came plain, medium well just as I had requested. I added a squirt of ketchup and bit down. For someone who hates burgers, I had to smile, pleasantly surprised. The bun fit nicely in my hands and the burger was just the right size, not too big, not too small. The bun itself was just the right consistency, not too hard, not too soft. I always order my burgers medium well and expect them to be slightly dry. This is fine by me because at least I know my meat is thoroughly cooked. Nevertheless, this burger surprised me. It was tender, not too juicy, not too dry. Another common issue I have with burgers is the overall temperature. I assume burgers are easy to prepare and probably sit cooling at a drastic rate while waiting for the rest of the table’s food to be ready. However, I marveled that my burger was not too cold nor too hot. I rather liked my burger. And the fries were, well, the fries were just right.

Storied Sustenance

Rein's Deli Banner

Rein’s Deli has been a popular restaurant for over fifty years and has served millions of diners spanning several generations. As I enjoyed my lunch, I gazed at my mom and my daughter and thought about how lucky I was to be able to enjoy eating and sharing stories with two of my favorite people.

And just as our favorite stories get passed from generation to generation, I know Rein’s Deli will continue to serve delicious meals for generations to come.

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One thought on “Rein’s Deli Burger – Just Right

  1. Did you know that Lisa was one of the original Pickle Puss babies? We used to go there when I was pregnant with her. Went back when she was a few weeks old and Betty Rein stuck a pickle in her mouth!!

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