Rein’s Deli – Generational Goodness

A picky eater with lots of allergies along with her mom and daughter visit Rein’s Deli

Rein’s Deli

Vernon, CT

May 11, 2023

Thursday 11:30 am

Rein's Deli Sign

The Three Bears

Lately, it’s been difficult getting together with both my mom and my daughter. We all have crazy schedules and we all like different things. My mom, Barbara, is the busiest person I know. Between book clubs (she’s in at least three that meet monthly), bridge and mahjong groups (maybe two to three games weekly), her Red Hat group, monthly luncheons with different friend groups, numerous volunteer activities, and daily power walk plus YouTube strength exercising, I’m surprised she has time to eat lunch at all. 

My daughter, Lynn, just finished her Junior year of college and is actually spending the summer at home. She’s a marine science major and prefers to spend her inter-sessions in Florida studying marine life and hanging out with her aunt, uncle, and other grandma. But this summer, she came home. My husband and I are happy to have her and hope she might join us for a meal or two between job searching and going out with friends. 

A few days before Mother’s Day, the three of us were all available so we made a lunch date. Lynn got to choose the place because she’s the youngest and she picked Rein’s Deli. My mom and I were thrilled because Rein’s is the best.

Over the River and Through the Woods

Situated exactly halfway between Boston and New York City, Rein’s Deli is a popular spot for travelers and tour buses to stop for a New York style lunch. It is also a popular spot for celebrities to enjoy a bite between gigs. The line to be seated is often out the door, but the wait is quick. In true New York fashion, the hustle and bustle remains true – get ‘em in, get ‘em out. The only difference is the waitstaff are super friendly and nice. 

Statue of Liberty Model

Busy Bee

Now, did I mention that Barbara is a busy person? As a busy person, she’s a bit of a celebrity herself. She knows a ton of people. And by a ton of people, I mean everyone. I can barely leave the state without someone running up to me and noting that I look familiar. I always respond with, “Well, I’m Barbara’s daughter,” and then I’m stuck in an endless conversation about whatever activities my mom and this stranger have in common. My entire life my identity has been “Barbara’s daughter”. Unfortunately for my kids, their identity is “Barbara’s grandchild”. I don’t mean this in a bad or mean way, it’s just the way it is and it has come in handy when I become tongue-tied yelling to the kids that dinner’s ready. I can simply yell, “Barbara’s grandchildren! Supper!”

Back to Barbara knowing everyone. When Lynn and I walked into the restaurant, Barbara was already in heavy conversation with the hostess who called her by name. Once seated, Barbara proceeded to wave at other patrons and waitresses calling them by name while I begged her not to go visiting every table. I was hungry and wasn’t in the mood to wait for my mom to chat with every single person in the restaurant. 

I think the menu got a little smaller since COVID, but everything on it is fresh and delicious. My favorite thing on the menu, and the only thing I’ve ever eaten at Rein’s, is the Grilled Cheese on white, no tomato. However, since a burger is on the menu and for the purpose of this blog, I ordered the Beef Burger.

Click the meal to read all about it!

Lynn – Macaroni & Cheese

Barbara – Half Chicken Salad Sandwich

Lis – Beefburger on a Hard Roll

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