A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Rocking Horse Smoikehouse.
Charbroiled Butter Burger

Burnt Ends
So, I have no idea what a Southern smoked burger is supposed to taste like, but I’m pretty sure it’s not lead. We all know that I don’t really like hamburgers, but if you go to the about page of my burger blog, you will see a sidebar with links to hamburgers I actually enjoyed. The burger at the Rocking Horse Smokehouse will not make that list. This burger was big, but the bun was bigger. The bun looked buttery, but tasted dry. The charred burger tasted burnt. Dan says “charred” and “burnt” are basically synonyms, but I’m not buying it. I actually don’t even know how to describe this. I have eaten many, many hamburgers in my life and I have always finished them. The burger at this restaurant slowly solidified in my stomach and I couldn’t handle more than two bites. It was just weird. And it didn’t matter because about a minute after being served, the waitress returned with our check. As I mentioned in my opening post, we were in and out in twenty-five minutes. Since we returned home with plenty of evening left, we enjoyed the nice conversation we should have had at the restaurant. Dan had some fruit, I layed on the couch wondering if my stomach would ever feel normal again, while we mindlessly watched reality TV which was much smokier and spicier than our meals were.
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Rocking Horse Smokehouse
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