The Chocolate Avenue Grill Review- Steak & Shrimp

A picky eater with lots of allergies and her foodie husband review The Chocolate Avenue Grill

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Dan’s Dish

Garlic Steak and Shrimp

The Chocolate Avenue Grill review of the Garlic Steak and Shrimp

Kisses of Garlic

The nice thing about eating out with me is I’m a cheap date. Dan always takes advantage of this and pays no attention to prices when he orders. I never complain because I figure my meal costs a fraction of his so it sort of evens out. Plus he does all the driving so whatever the man wants the man gets. Dan began his meal with Italian Wedding Soup which he described as very flavorful with garlic and herbs after adding a packet of Oyster crackers,. He then dove into the Garlic Steak and Shrimp right before I could snap a picture. Dan is the opposite of me – he likes his beef medium rare (which I refer to as still mooing) and I like mine deader than dead, but somehow we make our marriage work. After our most recent and gravely unfortunate dinner experience, Dan exclaimed that his steak and shrimp were absolutely perfect and was very happy to have a better dining memory. The filet was a bit small, but it’s a filet…I don’t think they’re meant to be large. The shrimp were a decent size and had been sauteed in a nice garlic sauce. 


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