A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend visit The Engine Room

Thursday, 12:00PM
Baby Talk
I met Martha when our daughters were toddlers. We were both at-home moms looking for other moms with young kids to hang out with. Thankfully, the Mom’s Club existed and we met a bunch of at-home moms willing to get together for play dates and lunch. Martha and I quickly discovered that we both loved walking, so a couple days a week we pushed strollers through each other’s neighborhood. We would chat about everything from fun places to bring the kids to how to lose the extra baby weight.
Car Talk
Martha loves nature so I wasn’t surprised when she picked a popular restaurant near the water. We carpooled to the Connecticut shoreline and caught up on how our kids are doing and lamenting about the continual struggle of losing the extra baby weight. We managed to find a parking spot on a small side street and enjoyed a short walk under the perfectly blue sky to The Engine Room. The Engine Room has beautiful views of the Mystic River and an interesting history as well. Originally known as JW Lathrop Marine Engine Company, a maker of diesel engines for a variety of vessels that sailed along the Mystic River, The Engine Room now serves craft beers and burgers in its spacious dining area. We were lucky to be seated away from the crowd in the sunroom with large windows and amazing views.
Click the meal to read all about it
Martha – Randy’s Double Stack
Lis – Randy’s Double Stack, maybe
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