A picky eater with lots of allergies and her foodie husband visit The Jameson Tavern

Browsing Beans

After a successful day of shopping in Kittery, Maine, Dan decided I needed more so he drove us north to Freeport, Maine – home of the LLBean Flagship Store. Now, I am not necessarily one who frequents LLBean since their apparel is better suited for people who enjoy adventure and I am not one of those people, however I am always happy to be around soft sweaters, museum-like displays, and souvenirs. Thankfully, the LLBean Flagship Store offers all of that. We roamed around for a while that headed down the street to their outlet shop where Dan bought the best pullover ever. The jury is still out on whether the color is gray or green, so we’ve decided to settle on moss. It’s soft, comfy, and warm. And it was cheap! A great find at a great price.
I Need an Outlet
It’s been a long while since we’ve visited Freeport. Our last visit was in 2014, during a quick break from a family reunion weekend in Poland Springs (yes, as in the bottled water). My memories from that trip are hazy, but I definitely remember LLBean, a concert on the green, and a hole in the wall place selling whoopie pies.
According to Google, there are outlets galore, but I have no memory of those. And believe me, outlets are definitely something I would remember! We walked up and down the main drag searching and then Dan, the tall one who can see things in the distance, found them. Situated above an underground garage were a handful of outlets. Although they were repeats of the ones we shopped that morning, I still ventured into Kate Spade and Coach because, well, because apparently I need an intervention.
Poets and Presidents
Having spent the entire day on our feet shopping and exploring, we opted for an early dinner. Dan was excited to try The Jameson Tavern, a restaurant he had been thinking about since our last Freeport visit. Nine years is a long time to be thinking about anything, so I agreed on this dining establishment if for no other reason than to allow Dan’s brain more thinking space.
We took our place in line in a narrow hall, but when the bench opened up I was quick to sit. After all, we’d done a ton of walking and my feet were on fire. While waiting to be seated, I grabbed the framed sheet of paper noting the historical facts about the building and then ecstatically nerded out. This tavern, the very one I was about to dine in, had once hosted Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier and Franklin Pierce. I excitedly asked Dan if they had perhaps eaten hamburgers at this well established tavern and he deadpanned, “Probably not.”
Hello? Can You Hear Me?
Once seated in the small, but cozy dining room, I eagerly took in the ambiance – the dark wood wainscotting, the polished wood floor, the busy bar – and imagined two of my favorite poets drinking a pint or two. My daydream was quickly interrupted by the unhappy high pitched squeal of a one year old who decided to continue this ruckus during our entire dining experience. In unison with the wailing toddler were his parents screaming at him to be quiet. Sigh. I bet poets never have to listen to this.

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