A picky eater and her friend give a reivew of The Spoon.

Good Sport
I am one of those people who is insanely busy, but still finds time to do everything. For example, on Mondays, I walk four miles, attend two writing sessions, dust, vacuum, clean the bathrooms, and engage in the daily conversation with my husband about what to have for dinner. However, a couple Mondays ago, I added lunch with a childhood friend to my day. I had put out a request for Burger Buddies on my Facebook page and was excited and relieved when Kyla answered the call. Kyla and I have known each other since second grade and we might have met on the playground. I can assure you we were not the ones climbing the jungle gym or playing ball. We most likely met sitting on the swings or picking dandelions in the field.
Water Sports
Shortly after Kyla and I met, her family joined mine and several others at what we call “The Beach Club”. Sun Valley is neither a beach nor a club, however there is sand deposited around a man-made lake and there is a membership fee. As kids, we spent every single summer day at Sun Valley. Some kids would do flips off the diving board or compete to see who could skid the furthest off the water slide, but Kyla and I were content splashing in the shallow water and soaking up the sun. I’m honestly not sure if Kyla ever went to down the hot metal slide with jets of water streaming down it, but if she did she is much braver than I.
Just Dance
On the weekends at Sun Valley, the dads would sit in the circle of beach chairs complaining about the heat and drinking beer while the moms chatted and the kids played. Often, on a Saturday night, there would be a dance party in the “clubhouse” (a three walled concrete structure with a ceiling) and on one of those Saturdays, when Kyla and I were still in elementary school, we decided to practice for the upcoming event. I don’t know whose idea it was, but we set a boombox on a picnic table, turned the volume loud, and danced. Now, this was not just any dancing. We stood on top of that picnic table and gave it everything we had. So much so, that one of the dads set up a tin can and filled it with dollar bills. As I think back on this, the tip jar seems highly inappropriate, but hey, what’s a club without dancers?
Auto Racing
The little town of Hopkington, Massachusetts is a decent trek from my home. Kyla and I scheduled our lunch date for 11:30am and because I am always determined to complete all my Monday activities, I went for my regularly scheduled walk at 9:00. Sometimes I think I am a master of time because no matter when I leave my house I am always early and on this day I proved the theory once again. With one and half hours to shower, get ready for the day, and drive to Hopkinton, I made it with two minutes to spare. And I even got off the highway to avoid tolls! I am not a fast driver and the highway scares me, but I really felt like I won the race when I got to my destination.
Gold Medal
The Spoon is a cute little diner with counter seating and a few booths inside. Outside is a covered patio with several Trex topped tables which immediately reminded me of my dancing days. We actually chose to eat outside. Now, if you’ve read any of my past blogs, you know this is a huge issue for me. It was my idea and only because the sky was so overcast you knew it was going to rain any minute and the patio was completely covered so if it rained we weren’t going to get wet. Kyla explained that this restaurant used to be in a different location and was called The Golden Spoon. In their new location, the front restaurant serves breakfast and lunch and closes at 2:00. Behind The Spoon is The Spoonery. Open from 3:00-8:00, The Spoonery dishes up fresh local ice cream. They may have dropped the Golden, but this restaurant definitely deserves an award for supporting local businesses.

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