A picky eater’s friend gives a The Spoon review.
Kyla’s Dish
The Spoon Review

Veggie Omelet
Off the Bench
As noted in the previous post, Kyla and I were not the most athletic in school. I, for one, was always picked last for any gym class sport. Not that I wasn’t well liked, it’s just I never cared about sports and everyone knew it. Kyla, however, has evolved from picnic table dancing to running marathons. Massachusetts is known for the Boston Marathon and Hopkinton is where it starts. Running alongside Olympians, Paralympians, World Record Holders, and marathon runners from around the globe, Kyla completed all 26.2 miles this year and I think the breakfast at The Spoon might have had something to do with it.
Breakfast of Champions
We met for lunch, but breakfast is served all day, and Kyla knew exactly what she wanted. The Veggie Omelet. A hot mixture of eggs and cheese loaded with peppers, onions, tomatoes, and more, this hearty, protein heavy, non-runny mass filled half the plate leaving little room for the hash browns and the wheat toast. The omelet is so huge and filling, that Kyla always takes half home for a later meal. It is her absolute favorite dish at The Spoon.
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