A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend visit Roux

All the Subjects
I met Angela at a tutoring center where I had been teaching, testing, and creating lessons for about four years. Angela took over the Director of Education role just before I was ready to announce I was quitting. The atmosphere at this center had turned cold and desperately needed some happy energetic vibes. Angela provided that and I continued tutoring Reading, Math, and Study Skills for another year. In her role as Director, Angela also tutored math and thank goodness! I’m horrible at math and when students would come in needing help with calculus, I would steer them towards Angela’s table. I think we both enjoy teaching, but this center was not the right fit for either of us. While required to have a degree and be state certified, we were earning the same amount as the grocery store bagger (I’m not kidding!). I left about a year after Angela joined the team to work in Adult Education, and Angela left soon after to pursue nursing. The center closed shortly after and I like to believe that it was Angela and I that made the center worth coming to.
Time To Learn
Angela and I stayed connected through Facebook, but our career paths changed. Angela went back to school for nursing and while I stayed in teaching, I also took on several administrative roles within adult education.. Over the next ten plus years, Angela has been working with children at a nearby children’s hospital. The work she does is paramount to the mental and emotional well being of our community’s children and she deserves to be recognized and applauded. I believe nursing and working with children are two of the most essential occupations and I am privileged to call Angela my friend.
Back to the Classroom
During the pandemic, my work environment changed and I did too. I was no longer happy in my administrative roles and it was taking a toll on me and my family. I stayed in adult education, but changed schools and pared down my responsibilities to just two classes a term so I could focus more on writing. Angela is also shifting her sights back to the classroom – teaching LPN clinicals. Angela, warmhearted and fun, is an amazing educator and I know her students will appreciate the lessons she has to teach. They will certainly go on to become amazing care providers.
Roux Rules
On a lovely Saturday in July, I had plans to attend my Authors and Publishers picnic which happened to be near Angela’s home. And she was free for dinner. She suggested a cool Cajun bistro called Roux. Since there was a hamburger on the menu, I was game. However, I was a little concerned about spices in the meat since I was far from home. I arrived first and waited at a wooden table with blue metal chairs. Upbeat music played through speakers at the bar and prints of Louisiana’s Blue Dog hung throughout both dining rooms. Our waiter explained that New Orleans has a myth surrounding a werewolf turned dog and this iconic puppy is in fact Loup Garou, a cute guard dog inspired by the legend. There’s even a print of Louis Armstrong with Loup Garou hanging near a piano where musicians play on the weekends.
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