A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain hamburger at AC Petersen Farms.

Tina and I met in sixth grade. We were the tiniest girls in the class and would stand in line waiting to be dismissed to our next class comparing band pins fastened to our Jordache purses. Tina and I didn’t travel with the same crowds after sixth grade, but remained friendly enough to say hello as we passed each other in the hallways. The years went by and then came Facebook where we were reunited. Tina and I have the same rule when it comes to Facebook – only friend people you’d be comfortable having lunch with. And there we were. At a fancy Italian restaurant, enjoying lunch, and catching up on life since high school.
As we chatted, she filled me in on her four girls and how she keeps busy nannying for a neighbor. Most of her girls are out of the house at college or work, but her youngest is in high school which creates a weird dynamic when the other girls return home to visit. It seems the youngest has very quickly gotten used to being the only child in the house and isn’t keen on giving up her newly claimed space. I get it. I’m not keen on giving up my newly claimed space either.
I have two kids. Both are mostly out of the house. My son is for sure. My daughter is in college and comes home occasionally for winter and summer break. Lynn was a senior in high school when the pandemic started and since my son had moved out we allowed Lynn to remodel and use his bedroom. She still has her original bedroom, so essentially the girl gets two large rooms that belong completely to her. I would very much like to reclaim one of those spaces and reinvent it as a craft space/guest bedroom. But like Tina, I spoil my kids, and Lynn usually gets what Lynn wants. So even though she’s at school most of the year, she will continue to enjoy two bedrooms and I will wait patiently to expand my craft corner.
Ate – Viron Rondo Osteria
Tina lives a couple towns away from Viron Rondo. She had heard they had great burgers, so she was excited for me to try one. At first, I was a little disappointed because this is supposed to be an amazing Italian restaurant and because I was working on a blog, I was going to have to settle on a burger, but Tina exclaimed she’d be getting a burger too. I was so happy I wasn’t going to have to watch her eat yummy noodles and sauce.
Viron Rondo Osteria is an unassuming restaurant just off the highway at the start of the main drag. As I pulled into the first of four parking lots I was shocked to see them mostly full. The restaurant, with stunning gardens and outdoor seating, didn’t appear large enough to accommodate the people that would come out of that many cars. I didn’t make a reservation because it was one o’clock on a workday, but luckily Tina did. And thank goodness! I don’t think I’ve ever been to lunch anywhere so busy!

We settled in at a small granite table for two, Tina in a booth, me in a chair. The pale yellow walls created an air of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the servers and diners. In the back of the room, over the bar, was the largest chandelier I’ve ever seen shining brightly over tall vases filled with fruit and topped with bouquets of yellow and white flowers. There is only one word to describe this – stunning. I felt like I was at a formal banquet, yet somehow didn’t feel uncomfortable in my jeans and t-shirt.
Click the meal to read all about it
Tina – VR Burger, hold the Gorganzola
Lis – VR Burger, hold the everything
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