A picky eater’s friend gives a Viron Rondo Osteria review.
Tina’s Dish
Viron Rondo Osteria Review
VR Burger

Take One
I’ve only done one other burger to burger comparison in my blog before, so I was interested to see how this would go. Tina’s burger arrived and she quickly smiled. The burger fit the bun perfectly. A thick slice of tomato, the size of the burger was nestled underneath and a scattering of caramelized onions covered the top. Surprisingly, Tina also orders her burgers medium well. As she bit in, juice streamed out and I was momentarily concerned. Cow juice does not belong in a medium well burger. However, based on my burger experience, the juice in Tina’s burger had to be from the tomato and onions. Tina remarked that the burger didn’t quite taste like a burger. It was better somehow. Almost like steak, but with the texture of ground beef. Well cooked, but not dry. I asked her several questions about the taste, and she simply replied, “Mmmm”. The only negative comment she had to share was that her fries weren’t salty enough, but who cares about fries when the burger at an Italian restaurant is amazing.
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