A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at the Yarde Tavern
Yarde Burger

Beautifully Perfect
It is a well known fact that I hate hamburgers, but I choose to eat them because they are usually the safest item on the menu for me. However, I was pleasantly surprised that the Yarde Burger was perfect. Jen and I were both shocked and amazed. It wasn’t charred. Nor dripping cow juice. Not too big. Nor too little. The perfectly cooked medium well patty had just the slightest tinge of pink in the center. Hot and moist between a soft buttered bun. Yum! Yum, yum, yum, yum! Yes, yum! In truth, I don’t know how else to describe the deliciousness in my mouth. The fries were the perfect compliment – hot and crispy and seasoned just right. I gobbled the whole dish before I realized I hadn’t taken any notes. Rarely does a burger make My Favorite Burger list, but the Yarde Burger at the Yarde Tavern got the job done.
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Yarde Tavern
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