A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend give a review of the Yarde Tavern.

Buffalo Chicken Sandwich
Another Turn of the Page
Jen and I have a lot in common. We first met when her daughter joined my Girl Scout troop. Of the twenty-two scouts I entertained in my troop, Jen and her daughter were among the few who were extremely kind, helpful, and considerate. My troop was very active going on monthly day trips, occasional overnights, and participating in every Girl Scout adventure offered in our area. Jen’s daughter attended all of them. We lost touch a bit while our girls were in high school; the troop had dwindled down to my daughter and one other. However, we never stopped cheering each other’s successes and other good news on Facebook.
Across Genres
Jen and I also share the love of reading. We both enjoy the same genres – we’ll read anything that doesn’t involve violence and gore. Lucky for me, when I completed revisions on my first novel, Jen was one of the first to volunteer as a beta reader and I am so grateful. She carefully read my story and provided meaningful feedback. As part of the beta reader agreement, I had planned to treat Jen to a nice lunch out, but life happened and we never went. But when I put the call out for a Burger Buddy, Jen answered and I quickly booked the date.
Big and Bold
Jen ordered the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich and this had to have come from the biggest chicken known to man. The sandwich filled the plate and Jen struggled to cut in half since there was zero room. Her first bite was delicious and spicy. Jen prefers a medium spice and this was just a hair too strong, but delicious nonetheless. The chicken had a nice crunch, but the lettuce was wilted. Jen simply pulled the lettuce off and continued to enjoy the sandwich. The side of fries were crispy and hot – not spicy like the chicken, but hot enough to burn your mouth. They were great. The sandwich however was so big, Jen opted to take half of it home.
Be sure to read about our visit to
and my Burger Experience!
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