A picky eater with lots of allergies and her husband give a review of Zekes Bar and Grill.

The Push
Dan is my favorite husband. Not that I have any others, but he really is the best. He took the day off work to drive me quite a distance to see what might be a once in a lifetime event, then he placated my desire to do a burger blog. I’m sure sometimes he’d just like to enjoy a meal without me asking him a million questions and taking notes, but he is always agreeable to whatever I want. Like I said, he’s my favorite.
Pushing It
Dan ordered a burger which is unusual for him, but he was tired and didn’t really want to spend time perusing the menu. He ordered The Push – a build your own style burger that came with lettuce, tomato, and cheese. Dan added bacon and caramelized onions. The burger was served with a side of shoestring fries which Dan doesn’t care for because they get cold too quickly. But the burger was pretty good. A plain soft bun with a nice juicy patty. The burger was so juicy that cow juice was literally running down his hands and I was doing my best not to throw up. Dan might have scored his meal a little higher if the fries were hot. He didn’t really have much to say about his meal noting that he was way too tired to comment. After all, he’d been driving since seven in the morning, so I figured I’d let him enjoy his meal and not push him for details.
Be sure to read about our visit to
and my Burger Experience!
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