A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Doesn’t Matter Bar & Grill.
Doesn’t Matter Cheeseburger

One Choice Only
As far as making decisions about what to eat at a restaurant, this is actually quite easy for me. Due to my endless list of food allergies, my choices are limited. At Doesn’t Matter Bar & Grill, I knew I’d be ordering a burger. The Doesn’t Matter Cheeseburger is rated Best in Town. I figure the nearly 30,000 people living in Carolina Forest, SC, can’t all be wrong. However, I did order my cheeseburger without cheese. I also eliminated the lettuce, tomato, and onion. I took my first bite of my plain medium-well burger and Dan’s head snapped up.
“That hamburger must be good!” he said. “You made a noise.”
“I did?”
“Yeah, you said ‘Mmmm’. With no accoutrements and the fun cooked out, it must be really good.”
“Mom became one with the cow!” Lynn chimed in. Slightly embarrassed, I shrugged and took another bite careful not to let any happy sounds escape my lips. The burger was actually very good. Not dry on a nicely toasted buttered bun. The patty was not too big nor too small. It might have been slightly seasoned with something, but still bland enough for me to enjoy it. I was a little wary of the unfamiliar ketchup brand, especially after my not-so-tasty experience in Atlanta, but even though it poured out thin it was perfect. The fries, however, were much too salty for my liking. Dan enjoyed them though. After all, he does love salt.
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