A picky eater with lots of allergies and her family visit Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint.

Thursday 5:15pm
Reward for the Award

During the pandemic, my daughter, Lynn, earned her Gold Award in Girl Scouts. Similar to the more well-known Eagle Scout Award, she completed this honor by leading an all-girl robotics team in high school with a strong focus in STEM. She then left home to study Marine Science in college. We wanted to celebrate this achievement, so we planned a family vacation with aquatics in mind. Our first stop was a visit to the Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the USA. To get there, we meandered through Centennial Park and marveled at the Olympic tribute. At the aquarium, Lynn shared information about all the marine life and often corrected our guide during our Behind the Scenes Tour. She’s a smart kid and I’m really proud of her.

Food and Drink

Before leaving the aquarium, we marched upstairs to the cafe. I knew I’d be eating a burger later, so I opted for a hot dog. Hot dogs are hit or miss for me, so it was a bit of a risk. In order for me not to have a reaction, it needs to be all-beef. I’m assuming this one was because this is not the meal that made me sick. The odd part about it, though, was the ketchup. I am aware that ketchup is not a common condiment for hot dogs, but I like it, so please don’t judge. The ketchup came from a metal dispenser on a side counter where the utensils and napkins were stored. I prefer Heinze and this was not that. This ketchup had a strong vinegar taste that I couldn’t stomach. Luckily, we were headed to the World of Coca-Cola next, so I would have lots of drink to wash away the sour acid taste in my mouth.
Rewarded for the Tour

Hot and feet aching, we left the World of Coca-Cola and walked over to the Atlanta Library. We rested in the air conditioning for about an hour until dinner time. Happy for an early reservation, we took our seat near the band stage in the back of the restaurant. The band would start playing after we left, but we enjoyed subtle R&B music with accompanying music videos playing on large screens throughout the restaurant. An air of sophistication and a sense of coolness made us a feel a little out of place in our sweaty tourist attire, but the waitress was sweet and most of us enjoyed our meals.
Click the meal to read all about it
Dan – Juke Joint Fried Chicken
Scott – Juke Joint Pulled Pork
Lis – Juke Cheeseburger
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