A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint.
Juke Cheeseburger

Parcipitation Trophy
Spices. Spices are a problem for me. And in the South, there are a lot of spices. However, I ordered the Juke Cheeseburger, sans cheese and other toppings, cooked medium well. It’s a burger…what could possibly go wrong. Well, let me tell you. A lot can go wrong, and a lot did go wrong. First, if you’re not already aware, I have a lot of food allergies. A lot. Nine times out of ten, burgers are the safest item on the menu for me. This was time number ten. A very thick patty, a very nice bun. I tasted the ketchup before I added it to the top of my burger. As mentioned before, the South has different tastes than the North and ketchup certainly tastes different to me. Vinegar maybe? I really don’t know, but it stung my tongue and being the picky eater that I am I really didn’t like it. Unfortunately, this ketchup was the vinegar kind. So I kept my burger dry and instantly knew I was in trouble. The taste was odd and in spite of not partaking in the vinegar ketchup my tongue started to go numb. What’s more, my eyes started to water and my throat started to itch. Consequently, I put the burger down and focused on the fries. Thick steak fries, nicely seasoned with what I hoped was only salt, unquestionably became my whole meal. Thankfully, our plan was to return the hotel after dinner and thank goodness for fast trains! My body was in so much pain, I was nearly doubled over. I then proceeded to spend much of the night in the bathroom.
Scott’s Commentary
Scott cleaned his plate of pulled pork and sides, then reached for my burger with a raised brow. I warned him the burger didn’t taste right, but he didn’t care. He’s a food adventurer and almost nothing will dissuade him from a bite of something new. He took a huge bite and his eyes lit up.
“This is a really, really good burger, Mom. Possibly the best burger I’ve ever had! Even without toppings I could eat this all day!”
I disagree. Again, I am a picky eater with lots of food allergies, and when my tongue starts to tingle and go numb, I’m sorry, but I just can’t stomach it. However, for the rest of the world, it might just be the best burger ever.
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