A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Emmets Irish Pub

Taste of Home
While Dan was excited to try the authentic Irish faire at Emmets Irish Pub, I opted for what I know. Something bland that wouldn’t make me sick since I was far from home. I ordered the Cheeseburger. ‘Aghast’, you might think. The Picky Eater would eat a cheeseburger?! What about no toppings? What about the lactose intolerance?” Do not fear, gentle reader, I ordered the Cheeseburger sans cheese. And it was perfect. The brioche bun and burger patty aligned just right. The burger was slightly pink, but not dry. And the burger was hot! Not spicy of course, but burn your mouth hot. I must admit, I did devour it pretty quickly and didn’t drink nearly enough water to soothe my scorched tongue, but I didn’t care. We had walked around Boston all day and I was starving. It was three o’clock in the afternoon by the time I was served. Emmets’ burger satisfied me fully and I would happily recommend this burger or any other menu item to anyone who visits Boston. Although we enjoyed a late lunch, we still had several hours of waiting at Logan Airport ahead of us. While we waited, Dan and I enjoyed people watching jumped every time a group of travelers exited into the lobby. We also asked, several times, why does customs always take so darn long?
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Emmets Irish Pub
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