A picky eater with lots of allergies and her husband visit Emmets Irish Pub

Saturday, 2:30pm
Bucket Lists
I don’t know that I’ve ever mentioned my son before, but if I haven’t it’s because he is always on adventure. And when I say adventure I mean Bucket List adventures. So far, he’s visited twenty-seven National Parks beginning with a family trip to Yellowstone in 2018. He recently completed his twenty fourth hike on his highest peaks of each state list. He began this challenge in 2020, and just summited Mount Whitney in California, the highest peak in the “Lower 48” United States. Another Bucket List item is visiting as many countries as possible. So far he’s been to Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Israel, Italy, Canada and this is where my story for this blog begins. My husband, Dan, and I were on standby to collect Matthew and his girlfriend, Alexa, from Boston’s Logan Airport. On this trip, they revisited the Netherlands and Spain, and then toured England and Iceland.
Boston Bits

It’s important to note that Matthew is only twenty-five years old. I had the opportunity to study abroad in college and definitely did more traveling than studying. I can proudly state that I’ve toured five European nations in my lifetime. Dan has toured one. With Lynn away at school, we’re mostly empty nesters and really need to get more stamps in our passports. However, our trip to Logan Airport was not for us this time. Instead, we arrived in Boston in the late morning and discovered the parking nightmare that we were expecting is really a night terror. We finally found a parking garage with a few spots available and the ramps were so steep it felt like we were driving up a mountain. Pretty sure these peaks don’t count on anyone’s bucket list. Once we exited the garage, we found ourselves on a windy corner with no plans. We’ve both been to Boston plenty of times and have already experienced all the history it has to offer so we walked around aimlessly watching the tourists and the artisans. We happened upon The Embrace , a new sculpture based on the famous hug between Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta, when King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. After stading and admiring it for a while, we started to feel hungry. We had considered some recommended restaurants for lunch (Cheers, Boston Burger Company, Wahlburgers, and Lola’s), but I really wanted to visit Beacon Hill Books. So, Dan, in his directional wisdom, marched us to Emmets Pub.
Pub Twists
Dan is a mapping wizard. He is able to triangulate multiple plot points and find the quickest way to an intended destination. He always explains them to me and I smile and nod like I understand anything he’s saying while thinking Thank goodness, this man understands how to get from here to there because I’d probably end up with the tea at the end of Griffin’s Wharf. Anyway, Dan seamlessly guided me first to Beacon Hill Books, where we paused to take pictures, then to an authentic Irish pub that Dan knew was just down the street and around a sharp corner. Seated at a table in a dimly lit cozy nook inside the restaurant, I reminisced about my time in Dublin. I was only there on a weekend trip, but the dark wood paneling and forest green walls felt familiar. Irish music piped through speakers added to the vibe. A bar ran from the front of the restaurant all the way to the back and many happy patrons were chatting with each other as they clinked their beer mugs and dined on traditional Irish faire. Dan and I smiled when the waitress, in her Irish accent, took our order. This pub was the right choice – away from the tourists, but still an adventure.
Click the meal to read all about it
Dan – New England Clam Chowder and Fish N’ Chips
Lis – Cheeseburger
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