A picky eater with lots of allergies and her husband review Emmets Irish Pub.

New England Clam Chowder

Fish N’ Chips
The Best of Both Worlds
Since we were in Boston at an Irish pub, it was only natural that Dan ordered a bowl of Clam Chowder and a plate of Fish N’ Chips. Per usual, Dan sprinkled a bit of salt and pepper into his chowder before tasting. He took a few spoonfuls then added the oyster crackers. I’ve always wondered about oyster crackers…they’re definitely not seafood and why not call them clam crackers since you add them to clam chowder? Anyway, Dan declared the creamy New England style chowder excellent. A bit more bacon than he’s accustomed too, but I think he once told me that one can never have too much bacon. His Fish N’ Chips arrived shortly after he downed the last bite of chowder. He eyed the fish and smiled at the light and crispy batter surrounding the fresh fish. This is what he prefers as opposed to heavy beer batter that he’s typically served at seafood restaurants. He generously applied salt and pepper while I rolled my eyes, but I do have to admit that Dan is a pretty spicy guy! He bit into the Irish dish nodding, with his mouth full, and signaled an enthusiastic thumbs up. Hot, fresh, and flakey, Dan professed this the perfect fish and chips.
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