A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Farley Mac’s.
Farley Burger

A Smart Choice
A burger is not only a smart choice for me, but usually also my only choice. With my extensive range of allergies, playing it safe is the always the best route. Like Gene, I ordered the Farley Burger, but without any of the toppings that she so greatly enjoyed. Surprisingly, the burger was quite good. It had a bit of grassy taste, but not like spring pollen grassy which would have been terrible. More like a little chewy with a hint of summer. Almost like salt water taffy. Unlike Gene, I indulge less in healthy food and more in junk food. But I disgress; back to the burger. The Kaiser roll was too seedy for my liking. All those teeny tiny sesame seeds get stuck between your teeth and I don’t typically carry floss in my purse. Despite this, the bun was nicely toasted and since the burger was so tasty, I suppose I can forgive the bun. The fries were excellent. Perfect even. Very lightly salted and I devoured every one. A great burger to start a great new year makes excited for meals to come.
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