Because being allergic to a bunch of food stuffs isn’t complicated enough, here’s a list of all my other non-food allergies. Honestly, my daily goal is stay safe and out of the hospital!

Bees/Wasps (anaphylactic – if you see me flailing around and running in circles it’s likely because I’m trying to outrun a bee)
Vitiligo (a sun sensitivity that removes melanin which could result in melanoma – if I have to be outside, a hat and high SPF sunscreen are my best friends)
Animal Saliva (creeping itchy rash – one lick and I’m off to the hospital for treatment)
Animal Dander (sneezing, swollen eyes, itchy everything – there is not enough Benedryl in the world)
Grass (sneezing, watery eyes – luckily I’m not outside much because of the vitiligo)
Tree Pollen (sneezing, runny nose, swollen/watery eyes, itchy throat, itchy ears, headache, fatigue)
Flowers (sneezing, runny nose – I love the way they look though, so I try to buy flowers with minimal scent. No roses for me.)
Aerosols (wheezing – growing up in the 80s using Aquanet wasn’t easy!)
Cosmetics (skin rash – because of all my food allergies, I always have dark circles under my eyes and because I can’t cover them with make-up I look a lot older than I really am)
Retinol (crusty, bumpy rash – tried this cream once under my eyes and couldn’t see for a week)
When I’m Not Sneezing, I’m Eating!
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