Jack Flats Burger – Don’t Rock the Boat

A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Jack Flats.
Jack Flats Burger

Not Quite a Drunken Sailer
Vertigo: a sensation of whirling and loss of balance
I was completely fine on the boat and during the walk to the restaurant. However, once we sat down and I started looking around at everyone, I was sure I was going to either pass out or throw up. Like I said before, I do not like the water. And now I have a new reason to add to my long list. For the next three days following our final boat voyage, I was still on the boat. Dizzy, nauseous, headache, tinnitus. It felt like a never ending hangover.
Finding My Sea Legs
When my Jack Flats Burger arrived, I was thrilled to have a stationary object to look at. The burger filled the plate, the patty at least an inch thick nestled in a sesame seed bun. Thankful for Heinz ketchup on the table, I added a squirt, opened my mouth wide, and chomped down. Cooked a perfect medium well, the patty was moist at first bite, then crumbled apart in my mouth. A side of hot steak fries, well salted, were the perfect compliment. I didn’t realize how hungry I was after a day at sea, i ate the whole thing and it was delicious!
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