A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger The Engine Room
Randy’s Double Stack, maybe

Half a Double
Like Martha, I also ordered Randy’s Double Stack. Not because I actually wanted to eat two burgers, but because I’m frugal and it was the cheapest of the two Engine Room burger options. This is important because it honestly doesn’t make sense for me to order a more expensive burger when I always ask for it to be devoid of all toppings. I requested it plain – burger, bun, that’s it. And that’s exactly what I got. One burger. One bun. At first, I scowled because Randy’s Double Stack comes with two patties and I refuse to pay full price for half a meal. I questioned the waitress who thought I only wanted one burger and had planned to charge for the child’s meal. She apologized and offered to bring me another dish with the two burgers. But I quickly smiled and stopped her declaring that one patty was more than enough. And I was equally happy to be charged less. The burger was just okay. Overdone and dry with a bun that was too big. The bun was toasted, but super soft on the outside and super hard on the inside. The fries were limp and too peppery, but surprisingly tasty. As someone who’s extremely picky with a ton of food allergies, it’s definitely difficult for me to appreciate burgers anywhere. But the views and the company made it all worthwhile.
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