A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend visit The Hidden Still

Friday, 5:00pm
Supporting Buddy
I was in desperate need for a Burger Date and my friend Andrea answered the call. Andrea is the type of person you want as a friend. She is caring for humans and non-humans alike, capable in all things (including WordPress which is an enigma to me), and your personal cheerleader who will root for all your endeavors. In addition, she’s a huge advocate for animals, especially support dogs, so when she said she was free for food, I jumped at the chance.
It’s Five O’Clock Here
Andrea chose The HIdden Still which is more of a bar than a restaurant. Neither of us are big drinkers so I didn’t bat an eye. However, I should have known when I looked at their website that they are Connecticut’s First Moonshine Bar. And bar they are. The bulk of the main dining room is a huge bar showcasing TVs tuned to sports games. The day Andrea and I visited, the barstools were already full with college age looking kids kicking back beers. There is no college nearby, so it’s possible that they were actually older and the alcohol just kept them looking young.
Feels Like Midnight
In the small area to the left of the bar, a smattering of high and low top tables filled the space. Tan walls and wooden furniture were outlined with black trim. A large black tube extended out of the ceiling creating a pyramid shaped skylight which might be the only light that enters the restaurant. Since it was evening when we arrived, light was at a minimum. A new age neon jukebox cranked out 80’s pop songs, which slowly turned to hard rock, the volume increasing with each song it played. The dining room slowly filled up during our visit and was quite full by the time we left, the bar at standing room only.
If you’d like to learn more about The Exceptional Sidekick mission, volunteer, or donate, please visit exceptionalsidekick.org
Click the meal to read all about it
Andrea – Clam Chowda & Chicken Quesadilla
Lis – Hidden Still Burger
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