This page is currently under construction. In my twenties, I was in a bar band playing rock hits from the 1970s. I was also the voice actor for administrative and promotional college videos. I plan to enroll in classes soon to relearn the art of voice acting and am excited to begin this new journey. But first, I must finish paying for my children’s education, and then it will be my turn. My singing voice is not what it once was, but you can take a listen. Press play below to hear me sing a karaoke version of Can’t Help Fallng in Love by Elvis at my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary party.

Voice acting is only one of my passions. I am also the author of Sutton’s Home and The Penny Ride. When I’m not speaking or writing, I’m blogging about hamburgers at local restaurants. However, the catch is I hate hamburgers, but eat them because I’m allergic to everything else. For me it’s all about having fun and enjoying the process of everything I do.
My Hope is Someday You’ll Hear My Voice on Your Television or Radio.
Soon I’ll Be Including Updates on This New Venture in My Monthly Newsletter.
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