A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend give a Mitchells Restaurant review.

Hash Omelette
Breakfast for Lunch
As a past board member for the Mom’s Club, Deborah knows how to give a good review. However, it starts with a great order. Her thick eggy omelette arrived stuffed with homemade corn beef hash, cheese, and onions. She’s not a big fan of American cheese, which hit her first, but the hash made up for it. Perfectly seasoned – not salty and very flavorful. Her dish came with a side of white toast which she traded up for homemade raisin bread. The toast seemed too dark to be white bread, but Deborah was unable to confirm if it was rye. In either case, it was delicious, well buttered with a heavy dose of sweet raisins. She was also given a side of sliced potatoes, which looked boiled and heavily seasoned to me, but Deborah declared they were not too salty nor too spicy and she was definitely a fan. As noted before, Mitchells Restauant is known for their breakfast and Deborah’s dish did not disappoint.
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