A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at Oscars All American Grill.

Double Exposure
I have to be honest. I really, really wanted to hate this burger. As always, I ordered it medium well without cheese or any other toppings.. When the sizzling hot patty was placed before me, the smell of it turned my olfactory glands against me. Two hours before meeting Dee for lunch, I enjoyed a huge breakfast with my parents and my daughter. Normally, I don’t eat out twice in one day, but this was a last minute outing planned by my parents who were eager to see my daughter before she returned to school and this was the only time that worked for all. I should have rescheduled my lunch date with Dee, but we’d already rescheduled once. Also, since I don’t actually like hamburgers, I assumed I wouldn’t enjoy the one for the blog, so I would only have a bite or two.
Burst Mode
My burger was huge! Larger than the bun! The waitress swore it was a half pound patty, and I’m sure she was right, but since I inhaled the whole thing, my brain wants to believe it was smaller. The patty was cooked to perfection – medium well, slightly pink, and not dry. The warm buttered bun introduced a new texture to my burger experience. The fries were just as Dee had described – crispy and flaky on the outside, hot and tender on the inside. This should have been a five star burger. Unfortunately, there was an unknown seasoning sprinkled throughout. Dee thinks it might have been garlic, but my taste buds weren’t sure. I liked the seasoning, but this was a major risk for me. The menu did not mention any special flavoring and as a person with several food allergies, including spices, I should have stopped eating after the first bite. But it was good. Real good. And I was wearing stretchy pants.
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Oscars All American Grill
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