A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend visit Oscars All American Grill

/Wednesday, 12:30AM
On a warm and sunny day at the beginning of the new year, I met my old neighbor, Dee, for lunch. She selected Oscars All American Grill, a restaurant she was familiar with and enjoyed. The building had seen several restaurant venues prior to Oscars and is in the perfect area for a casual lunch – just far enough from the mall traffic, but easily accessible on a local throughway.
At the entrance, a long hallway splits the dining room in half. Dark wood beams divide the white walls into squares, perfect for hanging framed art and other decor. Comfy leather booths line the walls while tables accompanied by white leather chairs march down the center.
Oscars offers three distinct menus – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – with an hour or so overlap between services. The waitstaff must be geniuses to remember all those menu options. With a smile and a nod of efficiency, our waitress took our order and left Dee and me alone to catch up. We had a wonderful chat about neighborhoods, work, and photography. Click here to check out Dee’s Photography.
Click the meal to read all about it
Dee – Cheeseburger
Lis – Cheeseburger
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