A picky eater with lots of allergies and her friend give a Oscars All American Grill review.

All Smiles
I don’t believe anyone is as picky as I am, but Dee ordered her cheeseburger with mayo and pickles on the side. I thought everyone but me enjoyed all the toppings, but Dee opted out of the lettuce, tomato, onion, mushroom, and bacon. It didn’t matter though because Dee’s eyes lit up when she took her first bite. Cooked medium, it was perfect. She appreciates a good bun, and this one did not disappoint. Nicely buttered and toasted, the patty bun combo was well received. And the fries were excellent. If Dee could have rated the fries on their own, she would have given them ten stars. But that’s not how this blog works. She loves fries in general, but the fries at Oscars are superior. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. Each bite better than the last. Even cold, these fries reign supreme. Dee enjoyed her meal so much, she ordered another menu item to share at home.

Check out Dee’s Photography here.
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and my Burger Experience!
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