A picky eater with lots of allergies and her family review Sweet Georgia’s Juke Joint.

Juke Joint Fried Chicken
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Dan’s eyes popped when he received half a chicken on his plate. Southern fried in a pan, neither deep fried nor super crispy, but a very nice texture and taste. Well seasoned with salt, pepper, and cayenne, the chicken was a little hard to pull apart, but it was literally half a chicken bones and all, so that would be a challenge for anyone. And since the Juke Joint had an upscale feel, Dan wasn’t comfortable picking it up with his hands and going to town like he was in a medieval castle. A little finessing and he managed just fine. The homemade mac and cheese had a nice crusty top, hot, and delicious – sort of. A side of collard greens sat mostly untouched. Dan nibbled at one, but did not like it at all. While this is a classic southern side dish, we’re from the north, so what do we know. Dan toyed with a five star rating, but unfortunately bits of plastic wrapping riddled his mac and cheese bumping the score down to four. I insisted he send it back, but he was too tired and too hungry to wait for another. Plus I think he enjoyed the challenged and the absurdity of picking out scraps of Saran wrap.

Juke Joint Pulled Pork
First Place
I often talk about my daughter, but I also have a son who was eager to partake in this month’s Burger Adventure. Scott is a foodie like his dad and loves trying new and exotic foods. Not that the South is particularly exotic, but there are definitely some new tastes to be tried. He eyed the fried green tomatoes, then dug right in. He was very impressed as he exclaimed, “Wow!” then proceeded to devour them all. A bit of fried onion layed on top of the tomatoes added an unusual texture and taste. This was Scott’s first fried green tomato experience and he surely enjoyed it. Another delicacy of the South is Sweet Tea. This is not available anywhere in New England and I do not know how far south one needs to travel to order this special drink, but Scott loves it. Whenever we travel, if it’s on the menu, it’s ordered. As for the pork, Scott has only had it grilled (because that’s how we do things in the North), but this was different. Sweet tea marinated, possibly braised, smoked, hot, juicy, and tender. All the things Scott loves. He forgot to dip the pork into the dish of homemade barbecue sauce, but, desperate to try it, he grabbed a chunk of bread from the basket in the center of the table and devoured that too. His only complaint: my rating system only has five stars. He really wanted to give a million.
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