A picky eater with lots of allergies reviews a plain burger at The Hidden Still.
Hidden Still Burger

Will I Ever Learn?
After my friend, Andrea, scored her chowder a four and her quesadilla a two, I feel it only makes sense for my burger to rate less than one. I’d like to give it a zero to keep with the theme of subtracting two, but that doesn’t seem to be an option on my star chart, so I settled at half a star. A quick glance at the about page of my burger blog tells you I am very particular about my burgers. The only point this burger succeeded in landing was the bun to burger ratio…sort of. The patty fit the bun nicely, but was flat and the bun was very puffy. I took my first bite, while shooing away a fly, and immediately felt uneasy. The burger was overdone and the bun was underdone. It was like eating a brick set between two feather pillows. Luckily, the fries were seasoned nicely and were fairly good, but cooled down too quickly making them inedible. For some unknown reason, I continued to eat the burger. With each bite, I complained how awful it was, but I just kept eating it. What is wrong with me? I know better! Even Andrea was concerned that I didn’t stop. I have no excuse other than I was hungry and I really didn’t want to believe that there would be another burger in the world that bad. I was wrong and I paid dearly for it. Excruciating stomach pains kept me up most of the night and I had no appetite the next day.
Glutton For Punishment

With the music blaring and the dining room crowded, I refused to give up on this restaurant. It’s the first moonshine bar in the state, so it’s got to have something good about it other than the cute, but drunk guys at the bar. Andrea and I shrugged our shoulders and took another risk with the Peanut Butter Brownie. Now, I know what you’re thinking – this picky eater has a ton of allergies, and nuts are on the anaphylactic list. That is true. I am extremely allergic to nuts, but lucky for me peanuts are not actually a nut. They are legumes, so bring on the peanut butter! And wow! Compared to the quesadilla and the burger, this dessert was fantastic! A warm dark chocolate and peanut butter brownie topped with cold vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and Reese’s Pieces. The dessert was perfect, and I greatly indulged in the ice cream because I figured if the burger was going to make me sick, I might as well go big or go home. And when I got home, I was sick, really sick, for the next two days.
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The Hidden Still
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